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Earth Bar c/w Twin Disconnecting Link

(Code: 420-EBARS-2)
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Earth Bar c/w Twin Disconnecting LinkThe single disconnecting link is mainly used to offer a temporary break in the connection to the earth allowing the inspection and testing of multiple earth rods / systems while disconnected from the lightning and earth system.

Earth bars are supplied with a powder coated base as standard.

The standard connections are M10. Other sizes are available upon request.

 Stock Code  Size
 420-EBAR6-2  6 Way (550 x 100 x 90mm)
 420-EBAR8-2  8 Way (650 x 100 x 90mm)
 420-EBAR10-2  10 Way (800 x 100 x 90mm)
 420-EBAR12-2  12 Way (900 x 100 x 90mm)
 420-EBAR14-2  14 Way (1000 x 100 x 90mm)
 420-EBAR16-2  16 Way (1100 x 100 x 90mm)
 420-EBAR18-2  18 Way (1200 x 100 x 90mm)
 420-EBAR20-2  20 Way (1350 x 100 x 90mm)
 420-EBAR22-2  22 Way (1450 x 100 x 90mm)
 420-EBAR24-2  24 Way (1550 x 100 x 90mm)
 420-EBAR26-2  26 Way (1650 x 100 x 90mm)
 420-EBAR28-2  28 Way (1800 x 100 x 90mm)
 420-EBAR30-2  30 Way (1900 x 100 x 90mm)